Sunday, July 17, 2011


Greetings, my name is Franklin Gander and I am the author of the yet to be released sci-fi/fantasy series Torn. I've been building the universe as far back as middle school and it has gone through many changes since. As a career focus art was (and still is) very appealing, however I discovered that my true passion lies in writing and have dedicated myself to improving upon the ways stories are told and characters are developed. The aim for this blog is to showcase my journey as I work to publish Torn. All the artwork on this blog is owned by me (unless stated otherwise), but I did not produce it. I've had the privilege to work with some truly exceptional artists and will hopefully continue to do so. Torn is going to be released as a graphic novel once everything is in place.

If you're also a writer trying to make it on your own or are interested in the story of Torn be sure check back often, updates are coming.

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